...Salem Christian School for the Handicapped was opened in 1961; a classroom and a playroom for eight children who were taught by two teachers. Salem was a pioneer for people with disabilities, before the state even provided services for all children with disabilities in school! With no state funding, Salem fundraised the care to give schooling for children with all abilities. The founders quickly realized that God’s call was greater than they could have imagined; it was not just children who needed services, but also adults were in need of support. With this realization, land was acquired in Ontario, California, in 1968 to build a dormitory to provide residential care and training. Our name was changed to Salem Christian Homes for the Handicapped and over 80 residents began living on our campus.
By the early 1980s, it was evident that to provide better services Salem needed to move towards a residential home setting that would focus on semi-independent living. Without a doubt, this was the right direction Salem needed to take. Again, Salem blazed a path in the field of disabilities, being the first to shift care from dorm living to residential living. Four residential homes were opened by 1990 and our name was changed to Salem Christian Homes, setting the pace to open 15 more homes by 2008.
As Salem evolved, time and time again the Lord provided the miracles necessary to accomplish His work through the passion, commitment, and financial support of many. Today, as we continue His work in 22 homes in four different counties and think of Salem’s future, we believe one thing is certain. We are at a crucial point in which we must work to secure the longevity and legacy of Salem Christian Homes. The Salem Board of Directors and the Salem Foundation Board are committed to being the best in the field for residential care and training adults with disabilities to live to their full potential for every season as they age.